The Quadrants Explained - Thyssen

Disclaimer: The majority of individuals will not heavily identify with either quadrant. These descriptions are meant to describe the general essences, as well as extremes of each x/y pairing. This is NOT all-encompassing

Naturalis (Vertical Impressionism):

Naturalis is natural. It is what is immediate, what is within, your immediate response. Naturalis is instinct. It seeks the very raw sensation of something, without branching it off into a system or a set of rules. It is what is primal. Naturalis follows one's own way, reacts immediately in the environment that it is in, and enjoys action and viscerality. Naturalis is the base of everything. Every initial position of a dot, processing of information, or anything begins in Naturalis. Naturalis is what seeks to impact the direct reality in the most genuine and instinctual way possible. Naturalis focuses on the sphere of instinct, the sensation and vibe, the visceral level of individuals. What Naturalis does with this is - instead of codifying it or casting it upon a cloud and realm of interconnection and conception - act to maneuver and explore it. Explore what is raw, what is pure, and what is visceral.

Veritas (Vertical Lexicality): Ψ

Veritas is truth. It is what is known, what is true, and what is appropriate. Veritas is driven by clarity, algorithms, and establishment. Veritas, instead of exploring or delving into possibilities or exceptions, seeks the immediate impact. Veritas follows the process, the grounded, and the "truth". Veritas is clear, concise, and demands codification and clarity of what is "strange" or "chaotic". Veritas is the result of the "initial position"(which is in Naturalis) going through a process of transformation, staying true to the human, the immediate, and the clear, thereby regulating it and making it into truth. Veritas seeks truth, quality, and what is "right" in reality. Veritas navigates occurences in the real world, and seeks to find and codify them on their veracity, truth, and actuality. Veritas is virtuous, and seeks a clear and defined way of viewing the world, navigating between "right" and "wrong".

Opaqus (Lateral Impressionism): Ω

Opaqus is opaque. Opaqus is wholly interpretive, chaotic, and intuitive. Opaqus is chaos and lack of order, having no clear delineations in process or any structure to anything. Nothing is absolute, nothing is structural, nothing is coherent. Opaqus follows first impressions, abstractions, and internal spouts of perception. Opaqus, like all other forms, comes from Naturalis. Instead of going to the left, it goes upward into a vast sphere of interconnectivities and free-flowing associations, creating the very essence of its nature, which is that of an abstract mindfield with no limitations, breeding chaotic and unhinged interpretations and perceptions. Opaqus doesn't go by what is right, what is rational, or what is visceral. Opaqus instead seeks the essences. The internal spouts of perception that communicate through abstractions, and vague conceptions. Opaqus is ethereal, being communicated from purely within rather than what is structurized in the outside world.

Artificialis (Lateral Lexicality): Δ

Artificialis is artificial. Artificalis is what is system-based, symbolic, and analytical. Artificialis is, being the anti-thesis to what is Naturalis, what not only lacks basis in the real world or establishment, but is codified and automated into a complex series of constantly changing lexemes. Artificialis not only processes the modes in which clear and structured communication is viable(math, linguistics, music theory), but manipulates it. With this manipulation, Artificialis strays away from the natural, by not seeing reality as an instinctive "still", but instead as a schema. Artificialis is the furthest from the dot. An extreme of Artificialis represents that of a quantum computer, which is solely governed by logic and programs by which it transcends the plane of reality into a theoretical, abstract realm of detailed and meticulous data-corrolarries. Artificialis, in general, manipulates the exacted conceptual into many different ways.
